Of course as usual; done in quill pen and neutral grey ink. And of course it's an homage to Vincent Van Gogh, what with the dotted sky background.
The one in the park of the statue was a nod and acknowledgment to death. All the park benches are labeled with a deceased person's name and a summary of what that person enjoyed in life. The statue seems to overlook spring time's fervent and tenacious transformation from stillness in winter to growth and change. A following of one's true innermost passions merging with the season's temperate April breeze and the growing manifestation of life. Relentless,
retreating not, until fall's golden age leads to life's eventual and ultimate, letting go.
The drawing seems to be encouraging the viewer to follow the spring season toward an as of yet unrealized, and obscure summer. And to push your seeds on toward that summer day when they might surprise even the planter with bounty as yet hidden. Change is occurring now. And the statue seems to offer a contrast; a reminder that throwing caution to the wind is perhaps, the only choice for the inhabitant of April.

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