Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mid-October works of Central Park, New York City.

Hello again for return viewers of this blog or welcome to first timers. It's getting chilly in Central Park. This week the temperature got low enough to give people a serious wake up call; yes winter weather is approaching, perhaps sooner than anticipated....these temperatures can make your body feel uncomfortable.
The art works being published now display a rapid fire pen stroke, often times working it's way across the sheet like a woodpecker. Or with the patter of a squirrel whose job it is now to bury nuts. To be eaten later when the food is scarce.
I remembered Rembrandt van Rijn, or Leonardo da Vinci, and also Vincent van Gogh, during the making of these works, because they also worked on landscape with quill pen and ink. As they responded to the lights and darks of canopy, each came up with such different ways of responding to all that stimuli.

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